Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is scientifically referred to as isopropanol or n-propanol, a colorless and flammable liquid in its pure form.

Studies show that Mohammad ibn Zakari Razi was the first to discover isopropyl alcohol in 864-930 AD. Isopropyl alcohol has been called the first petrochemical. It can be prepared via three different methods: indirect hydration of propylene, direct hydration of propylene, and catalytic hydrogenation of acetone.

Rubbing alcohol and isopropyl alcohol have similar properties, the only difference is the concentration. The concentration of isopropyl alcohol is 91%-100%, while rubbing alcohol is less because of the higher ratio of water. They are both antibacterial and antiseptic.

Isopropyl Alcohol kills or prevents growth of bacteria on the skin. Isopropyl alcohol topical is used to help prevent bacterial skin infections from minor cuts or scrapes.

We use isopropyl alcohol in our skin toners, as well as some of our styling haircare products.

Isopropyl alcohol
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